Our preferred means of communicating with you as families is via Seesaw. However, you will see the family calendar below to support you with planning your visits to see your children in school amongst other important letters.
Yearly Calendars
Our Yearly Events Calendar shows all events happening within school.
Our Yearly Overview shows INSET days and School Holiday Dates for 2024- 24
Autumn Term 1.2 Nov-Dec 2024 -25
End of Half Term Letter 1.1 25.10.2024
Autumn Term 1.1 Sept -Oct 2024-25
End of Half Term Letter 25.10.2024
Family Voice Letter sent 22.10.2024 v
Introducing our NEW website letter for families 16.09.2024
Our Trust wide Attendace Letter to families updates them of changes to attendance.
Letters From the End of Academic Year 2023-24
Our End of Year Newsletter from 2023-24